I think that middle school students shouldn’t start school until 8:30 AM because the kids can get more extra sleep before they have to do a bunch of homework. Another reason I think we should go to school 8:30 AM is because the people who are late to school might happen to go to school on time because of the extra 30 minutes, they might be able to go on time because when you try to load a online class it might take a really long time and might have a error while loading make their loading time 10 to 20 minutes. I think its also might make people get more friends because they can get there early and talk to some people that is not friends with he/her and make new ones. Middle school kids can also have time to refresh themselves and eat something instead of having to hurry to get to class with just a piece of bread to eat for breakfast. Those are all my reasons that middle school kids should start school at 8:30 instead of 8 AM.

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