I think that the change to real life school to virtual school was good because virtual school was teaching kids how to use the computer and navigate their way to different things. I also believe that going to school might be a little bit risky but the good side is that you might get taught better in real life school instead of the virtual. A lot of conflicts had been here in 2020 – 2021 such as Covid-19, when Covid-19 came to America about a week after all schools and some restaurants closed and I agree about it. Another thing that happened was the riot because of George Floyd everyone began fighting, there was fire and windows broken during the riot. However there was also peaceful riots, I agree with the peaceful riots and the BLM but the non peaceful riots was too much, some stores got robbed during some riots. The 2020 President Election might have been cheated by Joe Biden because on the news their was a break and before the break Trump was winning and then when the break was over Joe Biden started getting all the votes, I also heard on the news that Trump had told one of the people counting to fake count for Trump, therefore I do not think any of them should be the president of 2021. When Covid-19 came to America the jobs rate have been going down fast and I feel like this was appropriate because some jobs can be very risky to do.

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